Gallo Vitucci Klar is frequently called upon by clients with excess coverage layers to both monitor the defense and substitute in for their insured’s primary carrier.
Whether on the eve of trial or before the depositions have taken place, GVK attorneys can substitute in as counsel or simply monitor the defense with ease.
As excess monitoring counsel, the attorneys at GVK perform a comprehensive and independent review and analysis of the case, providing an expected liability and damages settlement range and verdict value. This allows the excess carrier to adjust reserves if necessary and minimize exposure. Excess carriers will be kept apprised of all issues and developments affecting the case as it occurs.
Our long standing relationship in the industry allows for an amicable relationship between excess and primary carriers and attorneys. Depending on the scope of the assignment, GVK will actively participate in all mediations, depositions, motion practice, strategy sessions and trials.
As substitution counsel, the attorneys at GVK will enlist the very best litigation and Trial strategies to aggressively handle the matter going forward.
In either scenario, adversaries will be aware of our presence and our advocacy for the excess carriers will not go unnoticed. Our hands on approach has saved our excess carriers millions off of their policy limits and allows for peace of mind.